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  • Docker
  • Linux or WSL (for windows machine, preferably Ubuntu 20.04)


1) Clone the repositry

git clone

2) Navigate to repository folder

Assuming that the repository is cloned to the default destination, navigate to the repository.

cd releat

3) Build or download docker container

Developing in the docker container is recommended because: - Trained RL agents can be easily deployed to multiple instances - Collaborators are working with the same stack and package versions - Provides utility for installing MetaTrader5 in wine

The docker container can be build by:

docker build -t releat -f ./infrastructure/releat/Dockerfile .

Alternatively, the container has been pre-built and can be fetched from docker:

docker pull releat215/releat:1.0

Note: - Detailed notes on the components of the DockerFile are in the development notes

4) Run docker container

Run and connect to the docker container. Depending on your IDE, there are two main methods: - VSCode's Dev Container - connecting to a running docker container

VSCode's Dev Container

The scripts for setting up VSCode's dev container is stored in .devcontainer. The following shows how to start up and connect to the dev container:


Note: - For more infromation on how to launch the dev container, see VSCode's documentation - Docker must be started - If you do not have gpus, deleted the line '--gpus==all' in the runArgs key of the .devcontainer/devcontainer.json file

Connect to a running docker container

Firstly run the docker container:

docker run \
    --net host \
    -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix \
    -v $(pwd):/workspaces/releat \
    -e DISPLAY \
    --gpus all \
    -it \
    --name releat \

Then you can connect to the running container:

docker exec -it releat /bin/bash

Note: - Detailed notes on the purpose of each argument can be found in the development notes - When running python scripts, make sure to navigate to correct folder and activate the environment: cd /workspaces/releat && source activate ./.venv

5) Update CLI

The CLI uses cached function. If you update the source code, the releat package needs to be rebuilt and re-installed to reflect updated / new functions:

source activate ./.venv
poetry build
pip install --user ./dist/releat-0.0.1-py3-none-any.whl --force-reinstall --no-deps
pip uninstall releat -y
poetry install

Note: - The final uninstall and install removes the installed wheel (with cached functions) and re-installs the package in editable mode so that futher edits can be made to the source code.